Monday, November 26, 2012

My new theme song.

Just you wait and see.

I have decided to continue this blog for the zero followers that I have. I just want to say that someday when I'm famous, you'll all be sorry that you weren't nice to the chubby girl in middle school. Also, to any followers that I ever had at one point, I apologize for the terrible grammar I had. It's embarrassing. And just for the record, this is all me. This is no longer a high school assignment. I'm doing this for me. And like I said, when I'm famous someday, everyone will find this and love me.


Sunday, May 15, 2011


33.33% of the Jonas Brothers have diabetes.

My aunt used to say
Slow and steady wins the race
She died in a fire

Statistics and haiku courtesy of Mr. Bo Burnham.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

cover it up...PLEASE

I was sitting at my brother's tennis practice waiting, waiting, waiting when two older gentlemen walked in with their tennis rackets ready to go. This normally wouldn't have bothered me in the least. Just two guys trying to get some fun exercise. The part that bothered me...their shorts were shorter than mine. That's taking it too far. It's one thing when a fourteen year old girl's shorts don't cover her butt, but it's a completely different situation when a 65 year old man's shorts don't cover his butt. Please fix this sir.