Saturday, December 18, 2010

think about it...

These are some of the most amazing pictures I have ever seen. I love them because you have to look at them and then look at them again. I didn't understand half of them the first time I saw them. The fourth picture for example, I still look at that and don't understand how it was done. On the other hand, some of these pictures are, dare I say, a little cliche. Like the second picture, I mean, come on. Who hasn't done a picture like that before? I do have to admit that picture is really good though. I think the fifth picture is one of my favorites because you really have to look at it and think about it. For those of you who still don't get it, they are laying on the ground and the city you see in the background, is the reflection in the water.
 I also like the very last one because it's so simple to do, but when you look at it, it looks so complicated. But all they're doing is laying on their backs in the water with they're faces and legs out. Then they just turned the picture sideways. I also really like the third one, but it gives it away when you look at the car in the background. It makes me wonder what people would think if they saw someone doing this on the sidewalk. For more amazing pictures like these, click here.


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