Thursday, January 13, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

I finally saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last month after it had been out for like a month already! And I have to say, it was absolutely amazing! My favorite part was at the very beginning, when there were the seven Harrys. Fred and George were like wow, we're identical! But my favorite Harry out of all of them was Fleur Delacour. She turned into Harry and my favorite line in the whole movie was when she said to Bill, "Don't look at me, I'm hideous." When you think about it, Daniel Radcliffe had to shoot that scene seven different times, each time as a different person. How awkward would it be for him having to put on girls clothing?

Progressing on in the movie, they take off on their brooms and motorcycles on their way to the safe house. This is where three of the saddest parts of the movie happen. First, Hedwig dies trying to protect Harry. Then, because the Death Eaters see Hedwig by that Harry, they know it's the real Harry Potter. Second, Mad Eye Moody dies. He just never comes back. And third, George loses an ear. Which isn't the worst that could have happened seeing as though his twin dies at the end of the book. But still, it's sad (even though George makes jokes about losing his ear).

Then they (Harry, Ron and Hermione) are off looking for the Horcruxes so they can destroy them. They are also looking for Godric Gryffindor's sword, which they need in order to destroy the Horcruxes and defeat Voldemort. Up to the beginning of the seventh movie/book, they have found and destroyed what I believe to be two, which were the ring and the diary (don't take my word on that though). And during part one of the Deathly Hallows, they find and destroy the locket using the sword of Gryffindor which they also found, but isn't a Horcrux.

There is also a part where they go to visit Xenophilius Lovegood, Luna's father to see what information they can get from him. I don't remember this part very clearly and I don't want to remember this part wrong so I will just say that Xenophilius gives away their location and the Death Eaters swarm the house.

I don't remember all of the movie but I'll try my best to remember. One part that I remember very clearly was when like Neville and Ginny were on the train to Hogwarts and the Death Eaters came on the train and Neville told them off. Neville has changed so much since the first movie. Oh my goodness that boy looks so cute now (not that he wasn't in the Sorcerers Stone though).

Another part I remember was when Harry, Ron and Hermione were discovered by the bad people (I forget what they called them in the movie!) and they were taken to the Malfoy home and Bellatrix was torturing Hermione for information. It's one of those things you remember because it was so terrible and her scream was awful. I liked this part though because when the people ask Draco if this is the real Harry Potter (they can't tell because his face is all distorted) but all Draco says is that he can't be sure. But we really know that he knows that it's Harry, but Draco doesn't want to give him away. This is also the part where Dobby dies. They were so close to saving him and they were so close to all getting away safely but at the very last minute, as they are disapparating, Bellatrix throws a knife that gets Dobby in the stomach. And when they are all safe and sound, Dobby says his final words.

The end of part one was very easy to remember. The end was Voldemort standing over the tomb of Dumbledore, stealing the Elder Wand out of his dead hand.

Well if you've seen the movie and I left something out (which I know I did), help me refresh my memory and leave a comment. And if you haven't seen the movie and you read all of this, sorry I spoiled it for you. Here's a parting gift from me. Look at this picture! It's so adorable! You're welcome.


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