Thursday, February 24, 2011

Disney movie quotes

Guess the Disney movie that each quote is from and which character(s) said it.

Movie 1
Character 1: Ask her who she is, and what she's doing here!
Character 2: Ah, yes. What are you, and who are you doing here?

Movie 2
Well... guess he won't need me anymore. What does an actor want with a conscience, anyway?

Movie 3
I seen a peanut stand, and heard a rubber band, I've seen a needle that winked its eye.

Movie 4
If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all.

Movie 5
You are the only ladies of the household, I hope, er, I presume?

Movie 6
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Movie 7
But, Captain, wouldn't it be more humane-like to slit his throat?

Movie 8
We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don't please.

Movie 9
Character 1: It looks awful.
Character 2: That's because it's on you, dear.

Movie 10
Character 1: How 'bout I beat your butt right now?
Character 2: How 'bout I draw a line down the middle of your head so it looks like a butt?

Movie 11
Character 1: Did you hear that?
Character 2: What?
Character 1: That noise.
Character 2: What noise?
Character 1: That noise I just heard. Do you hear it?
Character 2: Oh yeah. Sounded like an annoying bug asking me irritating questions... Oh, good, it's stopped now.

Movie 12
Character 1: Why, they might even make a motion picture about you.
Character 2: Motion picture?
Character 1: Oh. Well, that's something like television... without commercials.

Movie 13
That's a piecrust promise. Easily made, easily broken.

Movie 14
Character 1: Oh? And just how do you think he will survive?
Character 2: "How do you think he will... " What do you mean how do you think he... He's with me, ain't he? And I'll learn him all I know.
Character 2: Oh? That shouldn't take too long.

Movie 15
Character 1: Okay, let's charge!
Character 2: Wait a minute. I'm the leader! I'm the one that says when we go.
Character 2: Here we go. Charge!

Movie 16
Oh, he's so handsome... just like his reward posters.

Movie 17
Character 1: Say, have you seen anything of a mean, fresh, kid, about ye big? Answers to the name of [title character's name].
Character 2: Half of the kids here in this town answer to [title character's name]. Other half don't answer.

Movie 18
Character 1: His ears are almost as big as yours.
Character 2: That's not the part you gotta worry about.
Character 1: Gosh, look at those teeth.
Character 2: That's the part you gotta worry about!

Movie 19
You know, I feel really bad not knowing your name. Maybe I can guess. Is it, uh... Mildred?

Movie 20
Character 1: [Character 2], you don't have a way with children. You must gain their confidence... make them like you.
Character 2: Yeah? How do you do that?
Character 1: You FORCE them to like you, idiot!

Movie 21
Character 1: I want to do something for her... but what?
Character 2: Well, there's the usual things: flowers... chocolates... promises you don't intend to keep...

Movie 22
Itty-bitty living space!

Movie 23
What I am saying to you, is that you are the kind of club-toting, raw-meat-eating, Me-Tarzan-You-Jane-ing, big, bald bubblehead that can only count to ten if he's barefoot or wearing sandals.

 Movie 24
Character 1: How 'bout I beat your butt right now?
Character 2: How 'bout I draw a line down the middle of your head so it looks like a butt?

Movie 25
Can we take a direct flight back to reality, or do we have to change planes in Denver?

Movie 26
Character 1: Hey! Who's the pig?
Character 2: Are you talkin' to me?
Character 3: Uh-oh, they called him a pig.
Character 2: Are you talking to *me*?
Character 3: Ya shouldn't have done that.
Character 3: Now they're in for it.

Movie 27
Character 1: Gee. He looks blue.
Character 2: I'd say brownish-gold.
Character 1: No, no, no. I mean he's depressed.
Character 2: Oh.

Movie 28
Character 1: I've never been a popular man.
Character 2: I like you.
Character 1: And don't think I don't know what those back stabbers at court say about me.
Character 2: Oh, yes, all that talk about being a pathetic social climber who's failed at everything he's tried...

Movie 29
Character 1: I got a question.
Character 2: That's great! Great, participation! Fire away, big guy!
Character 1: While you're here, who's giving out speeding tickets and scooping dead animals off the highway?
Character 2: All right, no more questions.

Movie 30
Character 1: Excuse me, I think the word you're searching for is "space ranger".
Character 2: The word I'm searching for, I can't say, because there's preschool toys present.

Movie 31
Candlelight, privacy, music. Can't think of a better place for hand-to-hand combat.

Movie 32
I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.

Movie 33
Look you get porridge! And it's happy to see ya!

Movie 34
I was saved! I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth.

Movie 35
I have never worn pantyhose but it sounds very dangerous.

Movie 36
Character 1: Okay, I think I know how to make this all go away. What happens when the whistle blows in five minutes?
Character 2: I get a time out?
Character 1: Everyone goes to lunch! Which means the scare floor will be...
Character 2: ...Painted?

Movie 37
Character 1: Humans - -think they own *everything*.
Character 2: Probably *American*.

Movie 38
Character 1: Where'd you come from, little guy?
Character 2: No... touchy.
Character 1: Demon llama!
Character 2: Demon llama? Where?

Movie 39
Character 1: You sure this is the right blind voodoo lady who lives in the boat in the tree in the bayou?
Character 2: Pretty sure.

Movie 40
Character 1: Gee. He looks blue.
Character 2: I'd say brownish-gold.
Character 1: No, no, no. I mean he's depressed.
Character 2: Oh.

Movie 41
Character 1: How 'bout I beat your butt right now?
Character 2: How 'bout I draw a line down the middle of your head so it looks like a butt?

See how many you can get (without cheating) and leave your answers in the comment box.


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