So the other day my sister and I were talking about sports teams and I asked how do they come up with their names? As we know, the first part is always where they're from, but who gets to decide what the name/mascot is? If it was up to me, every sports team would have mythological names like the unicorns or the centaurs. I mean really, who wants to be something so stupid like the lions or the bears when you could be a unicorn?! So my sister came up with some better names for these teams.
Football teams:
Indianapolis Unicorns (or pentacorns, if you prefer)
Detroit Yetis
Cleveland Cyclops'
Houston Hydras
Green Bay Gorgons
New Orleans Nymphs
Cincinnati Centaurs
Atlanta Harpies
Carolina Satyrs
Jacksonville Vampires
Oakland Werewolves
New York Kraken
Denver Dragons
Dallas Zombies
Pittsburgh Pegasus'
Washington Elves
Miami Mermaids
San Francisco Sirens
Tampa Bay Banshees
St. Louis Lorelei
San Diego Fairies
Minnesota Megalodon
Kansas City Sphinxes
Chicago Chimeras
Tennessee Trolls
New York Gnomes
Arizona Aliens
Baltimore Basilisks
Buffalo Boggarts
Philadelphia Phoenixes
New England Nemean Lions
Chicago Griffons
Baltimore Manticores
Boston Goblins
Cleveland Leprechauns
Cincinnati Gremlins
Atlanta Kappas
Colorado Gargoyles
Philadelphia Hellhounds
Milwaukee Minotaurs
Houston Hippogriffs
Seattle Spirits
Florida Furies
San Francisco Incubus’
Minnesota Immortals
San Diego Dementors
New York Thestrals
Arizona Imps
Kansas City Pixies
Oakland Demons
Pittsburgh Poltergeist
Detroit Doppelgangers
St. Louis Ligers
Tampa Bay Kampe
Texas Demigods
New York Naiads
Los Angeles Laestrygonians
Washington Warlocks
Toronto Tritons
Now I will admit, if you have read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books or have studied mythology, these names would make a lot more sense. They are all, like I said, mythological creatures or related to mythology. If you can think of any more, leave me some ideas!
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